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The series Allegorical Wild Roots captures Canadian wildlife in dreamlike settings. Inspired by the beauty and diversity of Canada, the artist uses vibrant colour pallets and a variety of brush strokes to bring the worlds to life.

Joy Parsons is inspired by the vast and diverse beauty of the world. She strives to travel, as a practicing element, vital to enriching her work. But, although she is captivated by what she sees on here journeys, she allways comes back home, to Northwestern Ontario. Lake of the Woods is a natural gem filled with over 14, 000 islands and 65,000 miles of shoreline, countless beaches, lakes and rivers. The landscape also has vast amounts of prestine forests. Joy Parsons grew up on a llama, peacock and emu farm located on 88 acres of land, which she is still mesmirized by today.
Didn't your mother ever tell you not to draw on the walls? No one ever listens anyway. From dumpsters to ice shacks the world is ment to be painted. Check out the projects and article:

"Put on a mask and your identity changes" unknown
Custom portrait avaliable. Please inquire below for any questions and to recieve a quote.

"The longer you look at an object, the more abstract it becomes, and, ironically, the more real." Lucian Freud
"What goes on in abstract art is the proclaiming of aesthetic principles... Art never can be imitation." Hans Hofmann
"Don't paint from nature too much. Art is an abstraction. Derive this abstraction from nature while dreaming before it, and think more of the creation that will result" Paul Gauguin